Action Figure Drawing Class
New class starting this fall!
This class is all about learning how to sketch the human body in poses that mimic action figures like superheroes or anime/manga characters. We will use a technique where we connect body parts using various sizes of bubbles. Once we have a full body sketched, we will outline to form the outer layer which is the skin along with small details...while ensuring the proportions
are correct. Next, we will create a costume or outfit on our figure. If time permits, we will out-line and color using a variety or markers.
Wednesdays Ages 11+ - 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. - Fee: $16
Students will be required to bring an 8 1/2" X 11" sketch book...or they can buy one at the studio for $10. All other art supplies required for this class will be provided.
